Installing the Documentation

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The directory p4/doc contains this manual as well as files that require installation. This manual was prepared with the latexinfo package from GNU emacs; thus it can be made available online through info. The files in p4/doc are:

the latex source for this manual, which uses the latexinfo style

the sytle file needed to latex this manual
the info version of this manual, ready to be put into the directory where info files are kept at your site. Check the value of your emacs variable Info-directory.

plain ascii text of the manual, in case nothing else works.

unix man page for the p4 library

unix man page for the Fortran interface to p4

The Postscript version of this manual is available by anonymous ftp from, in the directory pub/p4. The file to get (in binary mode) is

Examples included with the Distribution, ,Installing the Documentation,Installing p4